Co3Digital gives you increased accessibility to a range of resources that will build your dance knowledge and increase your engagement and understanding of the work we present. Whether you are a student, educator, dance lover, artist or curious digital explorer – we hope you find something here that illuminates your experience of our work outside of the theatre.

MAINSTAGE productions
After a mainstage season closes, you will be able to access (for a limited time) a full HD video recording of our work to stream into your home or classroom.

Prior to attending a live performance, audiences will be able to explore Co3Unlocked with a suite of behind the scenes commentaries from creatives about different aspects of the work.

Explore our catalogue of work by the State’s leading dance practitioners. An interactive series of learning modules accessible to primary and secondary schools, designed to introduce and broaden the offering of contemporary dance in alignment with the school curriculum. Teachers can select a module that showcases a different dance work or maker. Materials are structured in tiers depending on the user, from student or educator.