Claudia Alessi

Claudia has amassed a diverse award-winning career and considerable suite of experience over a significant multi-disciplinary career in movement, dance, puppetry and film within the arts nationally and internationally spanning 30 years. She’s taught generations of dancers and actors; choreographed and produced significant events; held board positions and continues to champion dance and physical theatre here and abroad as well as extensive work in regional and remote WA.

She’s performed, with companies, including Chrissie Parrott Dance Co, JP Perrault of Canada, Plasticien Volants of France, Black Swan Theatre Co, Spare Parts Puppet Theatre, Legs on the Wall, Steamworks, ADT, STRUT and Co:3 In 2012 she launched her Collective Company Complesso and continues to produce work. She continues to lecture interdepartmentally at WAAPA, while managing her studio The Chapel Space. She’s had the privilege of working on regional, national and international platforms. A passion for movement has led to a significant contribution to movement education, direction and production. Her dedication to the arts extends beyond conventional boundaries. Having actively engaged with regional and remote communities, bringing the magic of movement and theatre to every corner of the nation. Through her involvement with projects and events such as Yajilarra Festival, Australian Youth Dance Festival, Australian Dance Awards and the SeeMe Dance Festival, she’s produced large-scale events that have captivated audiences and showcased the transformative power of movement, large scale puppetry, physical theatre and visual art.