INTERVIEW: Andrew Searle in Frank Enstein
With Frank Enstein opening in just two weeks at the State Theatre Centre WA, we chat to Andrew about performing in the show, working with actor Daniel Monks, and what to expect in this retelling of a much-beloved tale. Catch Andrew in Frank Enstein when he performs at Bleach* Festival on the Gold Coat from 31 March – 1 April, and in Perth at the Studio Underground from 5 – 8 April.
Tell us a bit about your role in the show.
My role is Frank’s first creation that he is initially super excited to meet, and they form an instant friendship. He helps Frank to build a new creation and remains his trusted and often rebellious counterpart for the rest of the show, before finding his own companion.
How do you get into the mindset of your character before a show?
It’s very easy to portray my character with Daniel (who plays Frank) as he is so enthusiastic in his role. It makes it very easy to bounce off each other. To get into the right mindset, I usually take some time for myself before a show to focus in, but I also connect with my fellow dancers to get in to character.
Do you have any pre-performance rituals?
Not really, I just take some time to really focus in and prepare my mind and body before a performance.
What is it like working with Gavin and Grayson at The Farm?
I enjoy working with Gav and Grayson because although their approach can be loose at times, their vision for the end product is always very specific and they really know how to craft the work. Their collective performance experience has shaped them into two very effective theatre-makers.
I also really enjoy the physicality of The Farm’s repertoire and having worked with Gavin in many physical-theatre oriented works, I find the style very enjoyable. It challenges me as a performer to engage more in performance.
How has your experience differed from typical dance works to this one, which has an actor?
I have worked with actors in the past and always find it very rewarding to see and learn from how they approach the work. As dancers we often work from the body first, however in most cases actors will let their mind dictate their performance so it’s always nice to see the marriage of these two approaches in creative development and performance.
What can audiences expect from this retelling of Frankenstein?
Audiences can expect a fun and theatrical look into the hunt for companionship and the human desire to be liked, have friends and find love. It’s got a bit of everything for everyone and is a fun retelling of an old classic for all ages.
See Andrew in Frank Enstein, on at the State Theatre Centre WA at the Studio Underground from 5 April – 8 April, 7.30pm.
Images by Claudio Kirac and Michael Maclean.